
Friday, October 10, 2014

If You Say Go...

I have only a few weeks left of being a Texan. The moving truck will be at our front door to load everything for Colorado two weeks from today. I'm still trying to process the fact that we are moving to Colorado. What is this going to look like? How is God going to use me there?

I was archiving some of my church website blog posts from the past few years and I found this one written thirteen months ago. These questions were asked a year ago, but they are even more pertinent today and I am obviously still working through some of them. The blog has been discontinued on the church website, so I will occasionally re-post blogs that are applicable, including this one which was originally posted on September 5, 2013.

Last Sunday, we sang a song together in which we told the Lord: 'If you say go, we will go. If you say wait, we will wait. If you say step out on the water, and they say it can't be done, we'll fix our eyes on you and we will come.'
This beautiful song written by Diane Thiel is one of those songs that is much easier sung than done. It brings up questions in my mind and maybe to yours as well:
  • What if God asks me to go somewhere I don't want to go? Do I trust that He would not send me somewhere that is not ultimately for my own good and for His glory?
  • What if I think I'm ready to go, but He tells me to wait? Do I trust Him enough to keep pursuing Him and His instructions, knowing He'll say go when He thinks I'm ready?
  • What if I don't hear Him telling me anything --either to go or to wait? Do I make it a priority to spend time with Him, to ask Him for directions, and to listen for instructions?
  • What if He asks me to do what seems to me to be impossible? If it seems easy and within my own grasp, will it require any faith for me to accomplish it? Unless it seems impossible, how will I ever learn to depend on His power and His strength?
The line that says 'if you say step out on the water' reminds me of the narrative in Matthew 14:22-33 of Peter's experience walking on the water. Re-reading through this passage helps me see so many areas to pray for in regards to being able to live out the words of this song. 
Let us pray for:
  • eyes to see Jesus right in front of us, and to see what He is doing.
  • boldness to ask Jesus to call us to action, to do what He does and to be like He is
  • ears to hear His call and His invitation
  • the strength required to step out in obedient faith even when it seems impossible
  • an undivided heart that focuses solely on Jesus, not the surrounding wind and waves
  • the humility and wisdom needed to cry out to Jesus when we do fall
  • a spirit of worship, to truly fall at His feet in awe of who He is

       ...all so that we may be able to sing:
'If you say go, we will go. 
If you say wait, we will wait.
If you say step out on the water, and they say it can't be done
We'll fix our eyes on You and we will come.'

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